Thursday, April 26, 2012

Said it, Meant it, Done it ... now it's time

to get down to the business of ... living it.  When I wrote my previous blog, 160 million and counting I knew that was going to be the preface to an amazing journey.  Life's been interesting so far.  No different than the rest, there has been laughter, tears, challenges, successes; then mixed in it have been words of thanks to God and people who have made a difference in my life. But you know what? It's not enough.  Saying it is great; 'hey thanks for doing that' or 'thanks for letting me get through that..' Meaning it is even better; treating someone a little better, sharing successes. Then there's doing it; paying it forward (which coincidentally today is international pay it forward day), going out of one's way to show appreciation. All meaningful expressions and actions, but still not enough. 

For the record, I'm not saying anything new here...a simple look back and the words resonate from Buddha, Plato, Shakespeare, Einstein, Beethoven, Kehoe & Byrne (to name a few :)  Gratitude, love, generosity, compassion must be LIVED. Our thoughts, intentions, words and actions all create our reality.  We choose how our lives will unfold. 

That's compelling enough for me.

My blog is transforming; becoming a reflection of that LIVING.  As each glorious day smiles on me, words of gratitude will spread onto the screen.  Simple, meaningful ....

Today I'm thankful for ...

Being able to welcome a new day.

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