Thursday, April 19, 2012

160 million and counting

Out there in the sea of blogs Tell Tale Words is 1 in 160,000,000 and counting.  That's alot of blogs :) Everyone jostling for position. Everyone sharing, wanting to be read and heard... I sifted through my blogs, then I sat back and asked myself. Why am I doing this? Several reasons surfaced; each one as compelling as the next.  But I wasn't convinced, so I dug deeper..and deeper..a little further, and you know what? I discovered that the little corner in the blogsphere that I carved is simply just that..unremarkable.  It is a collection of words that have spilled out on a screen offering thoughts mixed with emotions that may, in some way, reach someone, and make a difference, even for just a few moments.

I don't profess to have the 'answer,' 'secret' or 'solution' to all of life's mysteries, successes or problems. What I do have is the knowledge.. that I am as extraordinary as every living being and I have been given the gift of life to explore, discover, share and bask.  As many people in the over 160 million bloggers have said at one time or another, it all boils down to this ... LIFE IS short, TIME DOES fly, YOU ARE LOVED, BLESSED and UNIQUE.

So where do we go from here? To a place in desperate need of having the pessimism, negativity and despair dusted off so that we can once again see clearly the beauty that is life and wrap it with thankfulness and positivity.  Won't you join me on a journey of gratitude?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a crazy thought, 160,000,000 blogs! But as long as you do it because you enjoy it, because you love it, then you're doing it well :) Kepe up the awesome work :)
