Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's the post that goes on ...

Gratitude is infinite, and so this blog will be open and constantly giving gratitude. When the spirit stirs, a reflection of thanks will be shared. Readers are welcome to comment and I'll add what they are thankful for to the post, because thankfulness is limitless :)

So let the GRATITUDE flow ...

For all the farmers that grow our food ... Thank you :)

For the awe inspiring splashes of colour in all the beautiful flowers ... Thank you :)

For the fingers that allow me to cook, clean, grab, hold, touch, type ... Thank you :)

For the warm, brilliant sun ... Thank you :)

For water ... cooling, refreshing ... Thank you:)

For the doctors...who heal and care ... Thank you :)

For the perfection of nature ... Thank you :)

For the tastebuds that allow me to savour the countless flavours ... Thank you :)

For the freedom to choose ... Thank you :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Said it, Meant it, Done it ... now it's time

to get down to the business of ... living it.  When I wrote my previous blog, 160 million and counting I knew that was going to be the preface to an amazing journey.  Life's been interesting so far.  No different than the rest, there has been laughter, tears, challenges, successes; then mixed in it have been words of thanks to God and people who have made a difference in my life. But you know what? It's not enough.  Saying it is great; 'hey thanks for doing that' or 'thanks for letting me get through that..' Meaning it is even better; treating someone a little better, sharing successes. Then there's doing it; paying it forward (which coincidentally today is international pay it forward day), going out of one's way to show appreciation. All meaningful expressions and actions, but still not enough. 

For the record, I'm not saying anything new here...a simple look back and the words resonate from Buddha, Plato, Shakespeare, Einstein, Beethoven, Kehoe & Byrne (to name a few :)  Gratitude, love, generosity, compassion must be LIVED. Our thoughts, intentions, words and actions all create our reality.  We choose how our lives will unfold. 

That's compelling enough for me.

My blog is transforming; becoming a reflection of that LIVING.  As each glorious day smiles on me, words of gratitude will spread onto the screen.  Simple, meaningful ....

Today I'm thankful for ...

Being able to welcome a new day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

160 million and counting

Out there in the sea of blogs Tell Tale Words is 1 in 160,000,000 and counting.  That's alot of blogs :) Everyone jostling for position. Everyone sharing, wanting to be read and heard... I sifted through my blogs, then I sat back and asked myself. Why am I doing this? Several reasons surfaced; each one as compelling as the next.  But I wasn't convinced, so I dug deeper..and deeper..a little further, and you know what? I discovered that the little corner in the blogsphere that I carved is simply just that..unremarkable.  It is a collection of words that have spilled out on a screen offering thoughts mixed with emotions that may, in some way, reach someone, and make a difference, even for just a few moments.

I don't profess to have the 'answer,' 'secret' or 'solution' to all of life's mysteries, successes or problems. What I do have is the knowledge.. that I am as extraordinary as every living being and I have been given the gift of life to explore, discover, share and bask.  As many people in the over 160 million bloggers have said at one time or another, it all boils down to this ... LIFE IS short, TIME DOES fly, YOU ARE LOVED, BLESSED and UNIQUE.

So where do we go from here? To a place in desperate need of having the pessimism, negativity and despair dusted off so that we can once again see clearly the beauty that is life and wrap it with thankfulness and positivity.  Won't you join me on a journey of gratitude?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Universal language

As I started to shape my thoughts for this blog, I couldn't help but think about a time long, long ago when the only way to communicate was body language and images on walls. Fascinating.  I don't know what it would be like to go a day without speaking, writing and reading, but then again, when you haven't been exposed to it, any form of communication, no matter how simplistic is just as powerful. 

I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious what it would be like.  Get up in the morning and smile to your loved ones to communicate good morning, hugs and kisses to say I love you, nudges to remind each other of things to do, playful acts to communicate happiness, tugging to invite others to help, pointing and other hand gestures to express need, eye expression to relay sadness, concern, anger, questions, hurt,'s actually quite phenomenal all the things we can say without saying anything. Language is a beautiful thing, no question, but body and facial expressions are as genuine as it gets. No texts, emails, posts, tweets or blogs, just human to human raw communication.

Wouldn't hurt to pay closer attention to this silent language. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

What if ...

... you woke up today with only what you thanked god for yesterday.

Every moment, every breath, every experience ... meet it with exhilaration.

Love unconditionally.

Laugh freely.

Live honestly.

Treasure all life, big and small.

Welcome challenges.

Give often.

Judge no one.

He came.
He taught.
He loved.

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

On this day...
He gave up his life.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoseover believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Thank  you ... everyday ... always.