Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What's RIGHT with this world?

Take a look around ...

A really good look around ...

Can you see it?

It's there,

Waiting to be noticed.

Is it coming into view?


That's right...

It's everything that is RIGHT with this world.

Embrace it.

Breathe it.

Be it.

Imagine what would happen if  7+ billion people thought that.

What a Wonderful World.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Ever had one of those moments when the light bulb goes on...just like in the cartoons.  All the stuff that was getting in the way suddenly disappears and there you are, staring right at it, that epiphany, which had been there all along waiting in the crowd of thoughts and distractions, to be noticed. The feel of excitement and exhiliration takes your breath away.  You grab a hold of that feeling and you run with it, doing whatever it is you wanted to do. If only we could have a dose of that feeling everyday. Taking ordinary tasks and making them extraordinary. Finally looking at all the sideline stuff and really appreciating that it's that stuff that is your life.  Yes there is gratification in the moment when you have reached a goal or accomplished something, but that's just a moment.  The countless moments that led to it make up the 99% of your life.  So just remember to BE present in every moment; savour them; appreciate them and never, ever, regret them, because they are you. Good or bad, those moments are packed with the tiniest of fragments that have created who you are.

And with that said, while basking in the moment, it's time to move on ....

God Bless.

Friday, November 16, 2012

You can please some of the people some of the time

All of the people some of the time
Some of the people all of the time
But you can never please all of the people all of the time

Lincoln certainly had it pegged...

Why do we do what we do? Acceptance? Validation? Self Fulfillment which often hangs on acceptance and validation.  No matter how you look at it we are aiming to please somebody, anybody or everybody at some time or another. A lot of pressure.. and for what? The reasons are endless; to leave a mark, make a lasting impression, make a difference, make some money :)  Whatever the driving force let's not kid ourselves. There's always someone in the wings that we have in mind to please... if there is anything I could offer it would be, stay true to yourself. Make sure that the person you are, is the person you want to be; because it pleases you.

Purple Hugs ((:))

Friday, November 9, 2012

What the blog?

Why do we do it?

Blog that is.

There was a time when an elite group of people decided what would be seen by the masses.  Carefully editing, cutting, pasting (actually erasing and rewriting), making sure all the t's were crossed and the i's were dotted. Oh yeah, and they reflected pre-approved idealogies.

Then came internet, and the blob..sorry..the blog was born.

Take a minute.  Well actually plan on spending hours scouring the millions of blogs that make up the blogsphere.  Any topic you can think of. It's covered.  BTW this blog falls under "Whatever Spirit Moves Me The Day I Decide To Write a Blog Post"  Anything, and I mean anything is a go.  And you know what? It's fantabulous! (made the word up)  No barriers ... well that's not true.  We really don't want to see anything that promotes violence or hatred, so xnay on the negative stuff.  We get to see the 'real' blogger or in some cases the 'real' blogger's toddler, pet, invisible friend. We get a glimpse of the creative..or not so creative mind that has the chutzpah to put it out there for the world to read. Or not.  It's kind of like a crapshoot.  You set up your blog. Tell a bunch of people, who may or may not tell others (this isn't the "and they told two friends" scenario) and you wait. Then post again and you wait. The cycle continues, but you persist, hoping to be that amazing blog that everyone is itching to read every week, ready to like, comment and share.  Hoping is good, feeds the soul.  Oh, and good analytics feeds the pocketbook. 

So as we circle back to the beginning of this blog, I've come to an all important conclusion (for me that is). The question although simple has too many answers to even try and narrow it down. 

I will only speak for myself, since I can't speak for the world, I blog ... just because.

Peace out. :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm is brewing

I know it's coming.
I see where's its been.
I see where it is.
I'm helpless.

The forces of nature are sobering reminders of the strength or lack there of, of humans.

Its bigger than us.
Its stronger than us.
It plays on our fears.
Testing our tenacity...our faith.

Sometimes it lets us off the hook with just a mild brush of its power.
Other times, not so much.

It makes me think that life is just like that.

We do have a boundless force within us to send out our asks,
Stay committed to our beliefs,
And wait to receive.

Ultimately though it is the power of the universe which serves us our asks on a platter.

Hmmm... be careful what you wish for, you may receive it.

The howling wind and pounding of rain drops tells me its getting closer.
The storm is brewing...

Be still and know that I am here.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Didn't see it coming

Are you awake?

I mean really awake?

How often do you find yourself drifting in and out of days and weeks before something jolts you and you suddenly realize that so much time has passed and it's all a blur?

Have you ever had a day that if you had to think back on, you have a vague recollection of what you did?

What about those conversations. You know the ones. That if you had to explain what you heard, you have no clue?

Then there's reading...ever read a page over and over and still don't know what you read?

Some call it information overload.

Others say it's the 'keeping too many plates spinning' or balls juggling or blah, blah, blah ... did you catch that?

Being present. Really being aware is not such an easy feat. It's too easy to get caught up in everyday stuff that clutters the mind, heart and soul. And then before you can say ... you won't have seen it coming.

Tick, tock, tick, tock ...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

When Opportunity Plays Nicky Nicky Nine Doors

It dawned on me the other day; Opportunity has the market cornered on clever disguises. You know the saying 'opportunity knocks only once...'  well I beg to differ. Opportunity taps gently, knocks steady and keeps coming back, in different shapes, forms and colours.  Often, the opportunity isn't really the opportunity but the prelude to the opportunity. Stepping stones, that is, to the ultimate goal. Let me tell you, I've stepped on a lot of those stones! Haven't quite figured out the mechanics behind it, but I'm guessing it's like boot camp. Gotta sweat. Gotta struggle. Gotta reach, reach, reach... I know it's coming because I believe.  Pretty much sums it up.  So when opportunity knocks and you race to the door to answer, only to find no one standing there, just remember, it's opportunity getting your attention.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What matters most

Is it the things we surround ourselves?
is it the size of our homes or bank accounts?
Is it how often we succeed?
Is it how many times we were right?
Is it coming out a winner?
Is it being smarter? prettier? cooler?

Food for thought...

"The most important things in life ... are not things."


Stop for a moment ... if you can ... and embrace the non-things in life.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Sometimes I wish I was a  superhero.

Fly like Superman.

Climb walls like Spiderman.

Lasso the truth out of people like Wonder Woman.

Fight crime like Batman.

You get the idea..

Then I think.  So many wrongs to right. So little time.

Wonder how many people would step up to the job? Then, after all the novelty wore off, would they stick to it?

These lyrics sum it up:

"Superman never made any money,
from saving the world from Solomon Grundy.
And sometimes I despair the world will never see another man,
like him"

"Sometimes when Supe was stopping crime,
I'll bet that he was tempted to just quit
and turn his back on man,
join Tarzan in the forest"

Maybe that's why superhero's are fantastic, imaginary images of what we aspire to be.

Dig deep, there's probably a superpower in you waiting to surface... to make a difference.

Just remember though,

With great power comes great responsibility.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today I learned ...

That I can make a difference ...

When you're head is down and you're hard at work trying to make that positive impact...reach someone ... oh let's not kid ourselves ... reach lots of people ... a tap on the shoulder to get your attention tells you ... that you have.

Feeling really blessed that I have had the pleasure to connect with great people.  Anne McAuley is one.

Then there is Charles Jackson

Charity Gibson!/GreenBananaPromos

Kimberly Johnston!/pages/Just-My-Two-Cents/119021868167368

Ashley Treadwell!/FamousByNatureInc

Denise St Marie!/time.and.desire

Steven @mickeyscouse

Victor aka Origa MiKids

Christopher McGarrity

Erik Simon

Rita Ann Mishkin

Sadie Duarte

Tiffeni Wilkinson

Angelique Drummond

The list goes on ... and so does the journey.

God Bless

Friday, September 14, 2012

Doing what you like is freedom ...

Loving what you do is happiness. :)

Ask yourself ...

How many times do you wish a day away?

Hold that thought ...

"Life isn't about the destination.  It's about the journey."




Be Grateful.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Who do you want to be?

"The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do."

Live, breathe and BE grateful.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Let's cut to the chase

Life is amazing.  We are all handed the same gift...just packaged differently. We take our existence's and conveniently label them: rich, poor, healthy, sick, happy, unhappy, lucky, unlucky, beautiful, not so beautiful. Instead, why not just say thank you and open ourselves to the abundance that life has to offer. We have the ability to open the door...

I'm grateful that I've opened the door ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful that I can think, decide, create, speak and do ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful that I can witness awesome works of nature ... like a rainbow ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful that I can take care of myself ... and others ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful that I can learn something new everyday ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful that I can dream ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful that I have a family ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful that I live in a safe country ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful for all the men and women who put their lives on the line for our freedom ... Thank you :)
I'm grateful that I can wander through my vast beautiful world ... Thank you :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Believe you can ...

and you will.

Stay focused. Hold on to those beliefs and expect great things to happen.. and then, be grateful.

Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate...

For the butterflies ... a beautiful reminder of the wondrous colours in our world ... Thank you :)

For the roof over our heads ... home ... Thank you :)

For the privilege to choose ... every moment ... Thank you :)

For rainforests ... and every living thing in it ... Thank you :)

For all the inquisitive minds ... and all the things they discover and teach us ... Thank you :)

For the gift of sight ... Thank you :)

For the brilliant inventions ... from creative, brilliant, courageous people ... Thank you :)

For the taste of watermelon on a hot day ... refreshing, delicious ... Thank you  :)

For Niagara Falls ... awesome ... Thank you :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Things that go bump in ...

my head.

Yup, being human can be precarious at times.  You ride that positive high striving for those dreams, dodging things that try to bring you down...and then one're finding that the hits are more than you can handle. So what do you do? Stop, Ask, Listen and Remember to Remember.  It's a feat that at the time seems insurmountable, but as you talk yourself through it, the edges start to soften and before you realize it, you're back in that zone.  A little battered and bruised, but ready to give it another go.

It's not easy. It takes time; and boy do you have to have a lot of patience, resilience and faith.

We've all 'been there' and 'done that' so no use in expecting that we are above challenges, disappointments and hurt. It is though about what you do about it, because life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.

So to the universe I say, thank you...

For listening ... I know I will receive... Thank you :)

For answering ... giving me the encouragement to continue ... Thank you :)

For this wondrous, wondrous world ... priceless ... Thank you :)

For the little voice in my head ... connected to the bigger voice ... Thank you :)

For the moments of enlightenment ... and knowing I will have more ... Thank you :)

For those humbling moments ... Thank you :)

For courage ... to face things I fear ... Thank you :)

For being able to dream ... and realize those dreams ... Thank you :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Lessons Learned

I have skeletons in my closet ... or what I'd rather refer to as gems.

Once upon a time, when I was knee deep in a situation or facing difficult decisions I found it hard to understand those words of wisdom 'time will heal all wounds' or 'it gets worse before it gets better.' Now, I get it.  I've learned countless lessons in my life. Armed with experience and knowledge, I have a different approach.

Rather than fight it, I embrace it.
Rather than question it, I trust it.
Rather than delve in self pity, I welcome the opportunity to get stronger.

Where does it all come from? Perspective...and at the core is gratitude.

I'm so thankful everyday for so many things, and I am grateful that I can express them...everyday.

For the 'information highway'...which enables me to connect with people globally. Thank you :)

For doing what I love ... writing, creating, sharing.. making a difference.  Thank you :)

For brunch with my family ... laughing, being together, loving each other.  Thank you :)

For my little god daughter ... at a tender age of 5, she has the secret of life .. laughter and loving every second. Thank you :)

For air conditioning ... Thank you :)

For banana popsicles ... delicious, refreshing.  Thank you :)

For being able to walk ... anytime, anywhere ... everywhere! Thank you :)

For getting the courage to face my fear of heights ... and water.  Baby steps.  Thank you :)

For lessons learned ... Thank you :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Beauty is in ...

Everything... and I am grateful to be here today to enjoy...everything.

I am grateful and thankful that I am able :)

For my bike ... being able to explore the wonders of nature ... Thank you :)

For funny movies ... smiling, laughing ... Thank you :)

For artists ... being able to see the world through their eyes ... Thank you :)

For the people who risk their lives to bring us amazing footage of animals and nature ... Thank you :)

For music ... being able to experience a spectrum of emotions ... Thank you :)

For chocolate ... 'nuf said ... Thank you :)

For another anniversary...and being even more deeply in love ... Thank you :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bella and The Blue Trunk

To be thankful is not just saying thanks, but living and breathing it.

Give it a try and do it often, you'll find that it becomes you!

For discovery something new .. in something I looked at a million times .. Thank you :)

For the flip flop feeling in my stomach ... when I get excited ... Thank you :)

For this very second ... this moment that I am so connected with the universe ... Thank you :)

For being able to carry a tune ... and lull a baby to sleep with a melody ... Thank you :)

For photographs ... that bring memories to the surface ... happy moments ... Thank you :)

For flashbacks ... things I did with my brother ... like building a fort out of an appliance box ... Thank you :)

For my writing ... taking thoughts and creating stories ... touching other's lives ... Thank you :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You (Dr. Seuss)

What a time to be be grateful!

For the scar above my lip ... reminds me of a moment that although it hurt at the time, it somehow makes me smile ... Thank you :)

For the chance at another day ... Thank you :)

For playing hide and seek ... being a kid again ...  Thank you :)

For those great songs that ... bring tears to your eyes and joy in your heart ... Thank you :)

For laughing so hard ... then having to race to the bathroom ... Thank you :)

For having enough ... and being able to share it with others ... Thank you :)

For love ... Thank you :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

When in doubt ...

brush off the negativity and focus on gratitude.

It's amazing what this shift in thinking does.

The list of thankfulness continues...

For the long walks and holding my husbands hand, feeling that extra squeeze telling me how much he loves me ... Thank you :)

For being able to stand by the shore and watch the ripples of the water ... Thank you :)

For having learned to accept everyone for who they are ... Thank you :)

For being able to open the cupboards and refridgerator and have many choices of food to eat ... Thank you :)

For new friends ... Thank you :)

For being able to make mistakes ... and learn from them ... Thank you :)

For being able to accept disappointments ... and trust that there is a reason ... Thank you :)

For tears of happiness and sadness ... for being ... Thank you :)


Dear God, it's me again
I am so far from where I could have been
Dear God, I would be incomplete
But you came and touched my life in time of need
So I'm thanking you for all you've done
And for sacrificing your only Son

That's why I'm writing you this letter
To let you know that I love you
Thank you for all that I am
And for being a friend
Lord, my love for you'll never end

Dear God, it's shown this time
I'm so grateful for the way you've changed my life
I'd give all I have, I'd just throw it all away
For a chance to walk with you through Heaven's gates
That's why I'm thanking you for your love and your grace
I don't deserve these blessings, no, no that you give to me

Dear God, as a humble man I come to you like a child
Needing your knowledge your love and your guidance Lord
Thank you for trusting me with my own life's decisions
But I'm just a man and I don't deserve this incredible life
That you've given me Jesus I love you Lord, I love you

Dear God, it's me Wanya
I'm so sorry, so sorry for living for me
But I promise from this day on I'm livin' for you
'Cause without you my life means nothing

That's why I'm writing you this letter
To let you know that I love you
Thank you for all that I am
And for being a friend
Lord, my love for you'll never end

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's really quite simple

To offer a smile.

To say thank you :)

We live in a world of abundance. In all its splendor let's always acknowledge and be grateful.

For the teachers ... who inspire and motivate ... Thank you :)

For the AWARE moments ... when you embrace who you are ... Thank you :)

For my grandchild's squishy face pressed against the glass giving me a kiss ... Thank you :)

For the rain ... quenching and cooling ... Thank you :)

For being able to reunite a lost dog with its owner ... Thank you :)

For the opportunity to brighten someone's day ... Thank you :)

BE HAPPY or as the muppets would say MANA, MANA :))

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Real Imagination ... a short story




She stirred.


A gentle tap on her foot roused her from a deep sleep.

“What? Who?”

“It’s me, Olivia.”

Her eyes sprung open as her dream state clashed with reality. Her body froze as fear gripped her.  She could feel her heart crashing against her chest as she scanned the room. The sound of her heartbeats grew louder until they were almost deafening and then her eyes rested on a young lady at the foot of her bed.

“Good you’re awake.”

There was an assumption of familiarity in the statement, yet Ava was clueless.

“Sorry I had to wake you, but we’ve been having a hard time getting your attention.”

We? Ava could swear she was only seeing one person. Shouldn’t swear; suddenly several others appeared next to Olivia. She battled the fight or flight urges and calmed her mind.

“Okay, you have my attention now.”


Olivia made her way to the side of the bed and sat on the edge.  She reached over and turned on the table lamp and settled back in her spot. Ava couldn’t help but stare as she tried to make a connection.  Olivia just gazed back. Her gentle brown eyes were partly masked by her long black hair that fell loosely over her face.

“Haven’t figured it out yet eh?”


“Well no wonder.  It’s been awhile.”

Ava wished she knew exactly what that ‘awhile ago’ meant.

“Still nothing?”

She nodded with embarrassment. Ava prided herself in remembering names and faces.  Then again, this was an odd place to be reacquainting herself with Olivia and …

Olivia gestured to the young man on the other side of the bed, “That’s David.” She then pointed and continued with the rest of the group, “That’s Joshua, Ella, Grace, Bradley and Lily.”

Ava acknowledged them politely as if they were all milling about at a dinner party. Then a strange feeling washed over her when she realized that somehow this person was able to anticipate what she was thinking or going to say.

“I can.”

Ava bit on her lip nervously, “Can what?”

“I can read your thoughts.”

“Oh.”   She suddenly felt exposed and the urgency to guard her thoughts.

“Don’t worry. I can’t really do anything about it.” Olivia offered a friendly smile.

“Anyway, we’ve been waiting around for a very long time and noticed you’ve forgotten about us.”

“Waiting for what?”

“For you to finish.”

Ava was at a complete loss.

“I’m drawing at straws here.”

“It’s simple. See David here has no idea what his career is. Joshua is confused about whether he lives in the city or suburbs.  Ella and Grace are not sure if they go to the same grad school. Bradley’s not sure if he has a crush on Lily or Ella. Lily’s wondering if she is married and that’s just scraping the surface.”

The look of confusion was evident. Ava couldn’t understand why these people were looking to her for answers. What had her even more concerned was how they got in her bedroom.

David, Joshua, Ella, Grace, Bradley, Lily and Olivia waited anxiously for her to answer.

“Can’t read thoughts that haven’t formed.” Olivia chuckled.  The rest of the group chimed in.

“I wish I knew what to tell you.”

Their smiles faded.

“Maybe I need to help you a little. Give you a refresher, no?”

Ava nodded agreement.

“A few years back you started to write a story.” Olivia paused.

“Keep going.”

“You were tossing around a few titles, Sand Castles, Imaginary Lines and oh yeah, Crumbling Walls.”

“Oh” slipped through her lips as thoughts started to flood in.  Before she could say anything more, Olivia jumped in.

“I can see you are remembering.”

“I do.”

“Great! Time’s a wasting; we have a lot of questions for you.” The group moved closer and each took a spot on the bed.

Ava slowly sat up and looked at them closer. “I’m not sure I understand.”

“Well, you began writing a story. Although you hadn’t decided on a title, you started to develop the characters, and …” Olivia looked intently expecting Ava to finish the thought.

“Sorry, I don’t read thoughts.”

The group laughed.

“You stopped. Writing that is.”


“We can’t function with so many missing parts.”

“But you’re all figments of my imagination.”

“That’s what you think.”

 Ava ran her hands through her hair then pressed her palm against her forehead.  “I’m not sure I’m following.”

Olivia looked at Ava sympathetically. “Think back to all the stories you have written.  What you and every writer on this planet don’t know is that every character created comes to life … literally.  Because of this, we have quite an assortment of people, animals and things we haven’t quite been able to identify. Many are wandering about missing key elements, in some cases, body parts.  Our numbers are growing and it’s getting crowded. It wouldn’t be so bad if everyone was fully developed. ”

“So let me get this straight. I develop a character and that character goes on to live a life; that is if it, I mean, he or she doesn’t die in the story?”

“You got it.”

“I’m not sure I do, seems impossible to me.”

“It’s plausible though. After all you created us.”

“Well, when you put it that way, I guess so.”

Olivia sat up proudly and grinned “I got my brains from you!”

Ava couldn’t help but smile back. “So what do I; I mean where do we begin?”

“From the beginning of course!”

“It’s been awhile since...”

“We know.”

Olivia anxiously shifted on the bed.

“It’s just; every time we tried to find a free spot in your mind, your other thoughts muscled their way in and we just got pushed aside.”

A feeling of remorse crept through Ava’s body.

“But we’re sure you aren’t going to let it happen now that you know.”

Ava didn’t want to let the group down. She frantically searched through her mind, but the more she searched the more the thoughts became unintelligible.”

“Whoa! You really need to slow down in there.  You’re raising the anxiety level in the room.”

“Sorry about that. Maybe you should come back in a few days. Give me a chance to regroup and collect what I need to finish the all.”

“No can do.”

Ava looked at Olivia quizzically.

“See here’s the deal. Coming out like we have has never been done before and can’t be done again. But we all discussed it and decided that this was a risk worth taking.”

“What kind of risk?”

Olivia looked around at the others and then her gaze fell on Ava “We could all die.”

“Come again?”

“There’s a delicate balance between our world and yours.  Crossing over just doesn’t happen without some consequence. “

“But I created you all, so doesn’t that count for something?”

“Let’s just say that it becomes bigger than all of us.”

“So what you’re telling me is that I need to tie all these loose ends now.”

“That sums it up nicely.”

Ava glanced at the alarm clock. It read 1:11 a.m.

“I don’t know how I’m going to do this all tonight.  I have to collect all my notes…”

The sullen faces were too much to bear. “So I guess I better get cracking eh?”

Ava slipped out of bed and started making her way to the office.  Olivia followed and one by one so did the others.  Ava stared at the neatly piled boxes and began searching through each one. The anticipation in the room was growing.  “Hey, why don’t I get you all something to eat while I look for my notes?”

The group answered, “No thanks, we’ll just hang out here with you.”

She smiled and returned to her search. Minutes seemed like hours. Each box led to another, then another, until finally.


The group inched closer.

“Looks like we’re in business.”

She took out a stack of papers and fell to her knees.  Laying the papers out on the floor she poured over her notes and reacquainted herself with the story.

The silence was remarkable. So many people in one room yet not a sound. 

When she was done, she collected the papers and took in a deep breath. The others did the same. The look on her face was discouraging.

“I know why I stopped writing the story.”

No one dared interrupt.

“When I had started this story, I received a rejection letter; one of many. There was something about the rejection that felt as though someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. I cried for weeks and I just couldn’t shake it. When I tried to get back to writing I felt empty, like I had nothing left to give.  It was then I decided I just didn’t have what it takes. So I packed everything away and haven’t looked back, until now.”

Tears welled in her eyes. Ava sensed they wanted more but she knew in her heart that she couldn’t give anymore.

She wished someone would say something. Release her from this momentous task. But all she got was silence.

She rose to her feet and placed the papers back in the box and piled them back neatly. Turning to the group she wiped her tears and said, “Sorry.”

Making her way back to her room the group ensued. She climbed back into bed and pulled her blankets close. She could feel their stares penetrating. Their silence was agonizing. Frustrated, she shot up and cried out, “What do you want from me?”

Olivia cleared her throat. Although her voice was trembling it was unyielding, “To finish it.”

There it was, lingering in the air like pea soup fog. 

The desperation in all their eyes told Ava that they had no intention of leaving without what they came for; closure.

She wrestled with all the feelings that she worked so hard to bury.  How could she write a story when she couldn’t get past all the feelings of inadequacy and resentment? Couldn’t she just destroy the papers and make the story disappear for good? No, that wouldn’t work. These were living beings that she created. They were in a state of unrest and it was her fault.  She had to do the right thing; finish the story.

“I need sleep. I’m no good without sleep.” 

There was a collective sigh of relief and hope.


Ava lay down and was asleep almost instantly.

Morning arrived quickly.  Ava awoke to the sound of the alarm clock. As she reached over to turn it off, she remembered the events of the night.  She jumped out of bed and looked around the room.  Her sudden movement jolted her husband out of his sleep. “Is everything okay?” She took a closer look around and when she realized that last night was just a dream, she replied, “Yeah, everything’s okay.”

As she slipped on her housecoat her husband asked, “What were you doing in the office last night?”  Ava hesitated. How did he know she was in the office last night?  Maybe what happened was real. “I couldn’t sleep so I decided to get up and do some reading.”  She waited for a response. He yawned and turned on his side, “Love you.”  “Love you too.” She hurried out of the room and down the hall. There was no one in the office. Maybe she had been sleepwalking that would explain…sounds in the kitchen caught her attention. She raced down the stairs to discover that it wasn’t a dream. Olivia, David, Joshua, Ella, Bradley, Lily and Grace were all sitting around her kitchen table.

“Good Morning!”

She looked over her shoulder expecting to see her husband coming down the stairs. Clearly he hadn’t heard them.

“Good Morning. So you’re not …”

“A dream? No we’re real,” Olivia said flashing a smile.

“Can anyone else see or hear you?”

“Of course... not!  That would be too weird.”


Olivia pointed to the empty seat and said, “Shall we get to work?”

Ava nodded and joined the group at the table.

The days fell into months. Ava was living in dual realities. Her husband was oblivious and the group was respectful.  As each day passed she watched her characters evolve. It was as though she was watching a child grow, but in fast forward.  The story came together almost effortlessly.  Then it happened.

She was finished.

Feelings of elation were mixed with apprehension.  With the completion of the story, a great achievement meant the departure of her characters…friends.




She stirred.


A gentle tap on her foot roused her from a deep sleep.

Ava sat up slowly and gazed at the group standing at the end of her bed.

“It’s time to go.”

She knew it was coming and had been preparing for it for days. There was going to be no painful goodbyes.

She slipped out of bed and approached them. One by one she hugged them. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

Olivia moved closer to Ava and said, “We all pitched in and got you something.”

Ava wiped away the tears, “I can’t accept …”

“Sure you can.”

Olivia handed her an unwrapped box. Ava lifted the lid and there it was; a towel.

“Next time you’re thinking of giving up, just toss this across the room.”

Ava was speechless. There was so much she wanted to share with them; all of which they already knew.

“You really should be getting some sleep now.”

Ava smiled as tears flowed freely.

She turned to make her way back to the bed. When she looked back they were gone.

What a fitting ending to our journey, she thought.

She placed the box on a chair and climbed into bed.  As sleep took over she knew that tomorrow would be different. It was going to be another chapter in her life.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Gratitude is like the imagination...

Endless :)

Each step continues with feelings of thankfulness...

For being able to feel HAPPY ... Thank you :)

For the opportunity to learn every day ... Thank you :)

For the ability to make someone smile ... Thank you :)

For the trees that provide shade and homes to many creatures ... Thank you :)

For that moment when the words someone speaks inspires me ... Thank you :)

For being able to forgive...and to ask for forgiveness ... Thank you :)

For being able to watch random acts of kindnesses ... Thank you :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What would happen if ...

We all chose peace? Simple...we receive peace.  I'm reminded of a song I learned as a child.  I'll let the lyrics speak for themselves:

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord
And where there's doubt, true faith in you.

Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace
Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness, ever joy.

Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
In giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we're born to eternal life.

Today is Wear Purple for Peace ... our world has purple splashed all over it, waiting for a resounding yes to peace :)

Purple Hugs ((:))

Friday, May 11, 2012

...and more

Gratitude is so simple, yet so fulfilling ...

For my feet ... that I can walk, run and stand ... Thank you :)

For children's laughter ... Thank you :)

For my mom ... Happy Mother's Day! ... Thank you :)

For my sons ... cherish ... Thank you :)

For the smiles I get when I say hello ... Thank you :)

For the extra squeeze when hugging a loved one ... Thank you :)

For the beauty that is within ... Thank you :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

...and on

Heartfelt gratitude continues ....

For the ability to get out of bed every day and take care of my family ... Thank you :)

For the strawberries, blueberries & raspberries on my pancakes ... Thank you :)

For the melodic song of the birds ... Thank you :)

For the cooling breeze ... Thank you :)

For warm hugs ... Thank you :)

For the aromatic smell of coffee ... Thank you :)

For that sensation of excitement ... Thank you :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's the post that goes on ...

Gratitude is infinite, and so this blog will be open and constantly giving gratitude. When the spirit stirs, a reflection of thanks will be shared. Readers are welcome to comment and I'll add what they are thankful for to the post, because thankfulness is limitless :)

So let the GRATITUDE flow ...

For all the farmers that grow our food ... Thank you :)

For the awe inspiring splashes of colour in all the beautiful flowers ... Thank you :)

For the fingers that allow me to cook, clean, grab, hold, touch, type ... Thank you :)

For the warm, brilliant sun ... Thank you :)

For water ... cooling, refreshing ... Thank you:)

For the doctors...who heal and care ... Thank you :)

For the perfection of nature ... Thank you :)

For the tastebuds that allow me to savour the countless flavours ... Thank you :)

For the freedom to choose ... Thank you :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Said it, Meant it, Done it ... now it's time

to get down to the business of ... living it.  When I wrote my previous blog, 160 million and counting I knew that was going to be the preface to an amazing journey.  Life's been interesting so far.  No different than the rest, there has been laughter, tears, challenges, successes; then mixed in it have been words of thanks to God and people who have made a difference in my life. But you know what? It's not enough.  Saying it is great; 'hey thanks for doing that' or 'thanks for letting me get through that..' Meaning it is even better; treating someone a little better, sharing successes. Then there's doing it; paying it forward (which coincidentally today is international pay it forward day), going out of one's way to show appreciation. All meaningful expressions and actions, but still not enough. 

For the record, I'm not saying anything new here...a simple look back and the words resonate from Buddha, Plato, Shakespeare, Einstein, Beethoven, Kehoe & Byrne (to name a few :)  Gratitude, love, generosity, compassion must be LIVED. Our thoughts, intentions, words and actions all create our reality.  We choose how our lives will unfold. 

That's compelling enough for me.

My blog is transforming; becoming a reflection of that LIVING.  As each glorious day smiles on me, words of gratitude will spread onto the screen.  Simple, meaningful ....

Today I'm thankful for ...

Being able to welcome a new day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

160 million and counting

Out there in the sea of blogs Tell Tale Words is 1 in 160,000,000 and counting.  That's alot of blogs :) Everyone jostling for position. Everyone sharing, wanting to be read and heard... I sifted through my blogs, then I sat back and asked myself. Why am I doing this? Several reasons surfaced; each one as compelling as the next.  But I wasn't convinced, so I dug deeper..and deeper..a little further, and you know what? I discovered that the little corner in the blogsphere that I carved is simply just that..unremarkable.  It is a collection of words that have spilled out on a screen offering thoughts mixed with emotions that may, in some way, reach someone, and make a difference, even for just a few moments.

I don't profess to have the 'answer,' 'secret' or 'solution' to all of life's mysteries, successes or problems. What I do have is the knowledge.. that I am as extraordinary as every living being and I have been given the gift of life to explore, discover, share and bask.  As many people in the over 160 million bloggers have said at one time or another, it all boils down to this ... LIFE IS short, TIME DOES fly, YOU ARE LOVED, BLESSED and UNIQUE.

So where do we go from here? To a place in desperate need of having the pessimism, negativity and despair dusted off so that we can once again see clearly the beauty that is life and wrap it with thankfulness and positivity.  Won't you join me on a journey of gratitude?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Universal language

As I started to shape my thoughts for this blog, I couldn't help but think about a time long, long ago when the only way to communicate was body language and images on walls. Fascinating.  I don't know what it would be like to go a day without speaking, writing and reading, but then again, when you haven't been exposed to it, any form of communication, no matter how simplistic is just as powerful. 

I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious what it would be like.  Get up in the morning and smile to your loved ones to communicate good morning, hugs and kisses to say I love you, nudges to remind each other of things to do, playful acts to communicate happiness, tugging to invite others to help, pointing and other hand gestures to express need, eye expression to relay sadness, concern, anger, questions, hurt,'s actually quite phenomenal all the things we can say without saying anything. Language is a beautiful thing, no question, but body and facial expressions are as genuine as it gets. No texts, emails, posts, tweets or blogs, just human to human raw communication.

Wouldn't hurt to pay closer attention to this silent language. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

What if ...

... you woke up today with only what you thanked god for yesterday.

Every moment, every breath, every experience ... meet it with exhilaration.

Love unconditionally.

Laugh freely.

Live honestly.

Treasure all life, big and small.

Welcome challenges.

Give often.

Judge no one.

He came.
He taught.
He loved.

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

On this day...
He gave up his life.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoseover believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Thank  you ... everyday ... always.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A bird's monkey's eye view

So last year, around this time, I embarked on this really exciting project, namely, Harry Purple Monkey Dishwasher.  Never in my wildest imagination would I know that what I would get out of it would far transcend the goal.  The objective of writing the stories, creating the plush characters, developing the website and social feeds was to teach, inspire and have a lot of fun along the way.  When everything was launched I stayed true to what I was hoping to achieve, but then something else happened.  Harry PMD took on a life of its own. All you writers out there will totally get this; how often have you developed a character that becomes so real you begin to take on their characteristics.  Or should I say, the character coincidentally becomes you.  Now you are probably asking yourself, don't tell me she's becoming a monkey? No...not really...oh what heck...yes. By stepping into the world of a primate, I have had the privilege of knocking off many of the prejudgements and 'know it all' attitude and seeing things from a fresh, or in this case, monkey's view. 

What exactly does that mean? I have taken to exploring all the corners of the earth, trying to see, learn and understand what humans and animals are experiencing. I would describe it as someone removing a veil from my eyes.  See, it's easy to live in the world we surround ourselves, letting in information and news at a level that is appropriate to that lifestyle, but when you accept it all at face value, the realities, the great acts of kindness..or violence, the plights of many cultures, species and the state of our planet, nothing can ever be the same. 

When I had chosen the spider monkey as Harry, it was because of some of the common known facts I had learned.  I dug deeper and spent time watching these amazing creatures and I couldn't help but see so many parallels to humans.  The further I looked the more I discovered. One fact that hit me hardest was that these creatures are on the brink of extinction. They are one of many in such a frail state and I am saddened at what we as humans have done to cause all of this imbalance.  On top of it all, we've done so much damage to the very essence of what sustains our lives; air, water and earth.

Seeing the world through Harry's eyes has allowed me to really (and I mean really) appreciate the planet and everything in it.  I know there are many out there who already get it and are acting to help make the world a better place. But I also know that it's not enough. Every single being plays a part in nurturing or destroying our earth. 

So if you can, step out of the concrete world and immerse yourself in the beauty of our planet. When you do that, life as you perceive it will change, and you too will feel compelled to act and give back to a planet that one day may stop giving.

Be the change.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Who are they?

Ever catch yourself in the middle of conversation saying 'well, they say...'  and then the question quickly follows 'who are they?' Every day we are inundated with information that our brains try to process and file away. Then in the midst of a discussion we sift through our collection and present our findings. The source of that information often times eludes us and it becomes the infamous 'they.' When approached for advice, we readily offer suggestions which often starts with 'they say that...' and the recipient openly accepts it, because 'they' must be reliable and above all credible.  I've watched this kind of evolution in what is an annual tradition, the making of tomato sauce. What started out as a day event with a few bushels of tomatoes washed, peeled, cooked and jarred in one's basement, has become a highly sophisticated process.  Everything has shifted to a more efficient system. Stoves replaced with propane burners, pots replaced with vats, manual tomato straining mechanisms with motorized equipment, and then there is the clock watching; timing really is everything. If all goes as planned from the 5:00 a.m. start; by 10:00 a.m. all is done including the clean up! A far cry from a 12 hour day. So where do 'they' come in? Well, this process didn't just happen. Every year while labouring away, the discussion picked up from last year and inevitably something new was introduced. Why? Because 'they' tried, tested and approved it of course. We were willing to try anything, in the interest of progress (and getting the job done faster) and to our delight that 'improvement' shaved off a few more minutes or made the process a little easier.

Got you thinking eh? How many times have you referred to 'they;' and how many times have you had no idea who 'they' are?  Hmmm...something to think about, after all 'they say...'

Friday, March 16, 2012

So, the other day, without warning...

it happened...I got the dreaded black screen on my laptop. No red flags, no funny noises, nada. Well, maybe there was one or two things that seemed odd. But with a click here, scan there, yes to repair, this baby should be running like a well oiled machine. Think again.  Do you sometimes feel you're at the mercy of all these great technical toys and absolutely necessary mechanical concoctions that are your life. It's not hard for me to stroll back in time and pinpoint all the inopportune times that something I needed to work didn't. Like the day I had dinner all ready to go in the oven and to my chagrin the ignitor decided it had its day. Or when I reached into the fridge and things seemed awfully warm for having been in a cold environment. Then there was the night that the furnace said goodnight. There weren't enough layers to keep us warm. Oh yes, the hairdryer that starts with a 'poof' and burns out, the television that gives me a colour show and zaps out like a scene in Matrix, and let's not forget the car...insert key, turn ignition, ixnay on the start your engine.

We buy warranties that somehow miss their mark because the object in question knows when it expires and bides its time to spring its worn out, broken part.  To fix or not to fix? That is the question. These days it seems almost pointless to repair your stove, fridge, laptop, washer, dryer (you get my point) because for a few more hundred dollars you can buy a new one. The old adage that 'things are not made like they used to' is not an adage.  The pride in workmanship, longevity and after service has gone the way of the dinosaurs. You gotta wonder if life would be simpler without all these toys.  Let's not be silly. The reality is that we need all this stuff to function.  Whether it is to store, prepare and cook food, clean, dry and press clothes, trim, style, buff, shave, brush, wake up to, text, call, type, socialize, watch, play, drive (whew!) our lives have become entrenched with it all. 

This got me thinking. A number of years back we experienced a black out for three days. NOTHING worked. Habit commanded that we flip a light switch, open the fridge, dial a number, press the on button for the TV but there was no juice...electricity that is.  How surreal it was that night (and nights that followed) to step out in the middle of the street with total blackness, only the stars in the sky allowed you to see the silhouette of someone standing in front of you. Only candles to light your way around your home. The worry creeping into your mind of all the food spoiling and what would happen if the problem could not be resolved right away. Truly an eyeopener.

Funny, I was watching a BBC Planet Earth episode which highlighted a tribe that lived in the rainforest. Didn't see any phones, computers, ipads, refrigerators, washers, cars, television set, but yet, they all appeared happy. They danced, they smiled, totally oblivious to the technical world that existed just outside theirs.  Wonder if I could step into that world and feel the same; or would I be itching to answer a text, reach into a fridge, throw a load of laundry in the washer. Don't think I'll find out any time soon.  I am a city girl (well suburbanite) through and through. Kudos to those that can block it all out and life as close to nature as possible. For me, I appreciate earth, I speak up for the animal kingdom and our planet and do my best not to leave a ridiculous carbon footprint. In the meantime, if the worst I have to deal with is a broken laptop then I shouldn't complain. Life has doled out a lot worse things.