Thursday, December 29, 2011


What's with New Years resolutions?

The consensus appears to be that "the tradition of the New Year's Resolutions goes all the way back to 153 B.C. The Romans named the first month of the year after Janus, the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances. He was always depicted with two faces, one on the front of his head and one on the back. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked for forgiveness from their enemies and also exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year." (

Hmmm, to think a tradition has lasted as long as it has.  There have been a lot of hands in the pot and the calendar has had some tweaking through the years, which raises some questions. As is with human nature, we tend to find ways to define intangible things, time is just such an example. We look for patterns and analyze them until we come up with an explanation that the general populance agrees.  So, the Babylonians back in 4000 BC celebrated New Years in March, then Julius Caesar developed the calendar in 46 BC based on the seasons; a few more changes from the Romans, Christians and Chinese and there we have it a solar and lunar calendar. For the solar followers, January 1st is your day, for the lunar followers, Jan 19 to Feb 21 (depending on the full moon) is your day. Oh, back in the day, Julius Caesar 'extended' the year to 445 days to synchronize the calendar with the sun.  Whew! While all the minute details got ironed out you could be celebrating New Years twice in a year, March then January. Ah the pressure of coming up with resolutions in such a short time frame!

Now fast forward to modern day, New Years resolutions have become quite a daunting beast. From past experience and observations it seems that we have become acutely aware of resolutions within the month before New Years. We inch closer to New Years Eve then happily sweep away the past and usher in the new. With resolutions in, we resolve to eat less, exercise more, help others, be kinder, more get my drift.  For a select few those resolutions stick, but for most of us, one slight misstep and we have indulged in that pie, pizza, ice cream, missed a few exercise sessions, backed out of a commitment...ditto on get my drift, and resolutions quickly fade into the abyss until it is rekindled in December or January or whatever month falls before your New Years.

So what's my point? We have created calendars and ways to measure time but are we really; measuring time that is? To the powers that be, does January 1st or February 21st or March 23 really mean anything? Have we become so fixated on days, months, years that we have lost sight of the only moment that counts...this one...the present. All these measurements of time is our way to weigh experiences in our life. We attach a memory to a specified time which is then carried with us for the rest of our lives. A month can have a stigma of depression, a day can trigger joyous memories, a year can be great or challenging.  Whatever it is, we either look forward to or wish away a day, all the while, life slips by. Time is not a commodity that we can manipulate or negotiate. Nothing in life stops...unless it ends.

Back to resolutions, I think we all like the idea of being offered 'a clean slate.' I'm not afraid to admit that I have embraced that ideology and made resolutions year after year figuring I will never look back and will have some major breakthrough. But such is not the case. I do look back, too often sometimes and I do look forward keen to make changes. I guess that's the nature of being human. 

I would like to embark on a new journey; take a road less travelled. As I (we) near the end of the year and the clock strikes midnight rather than look back and then forward, why not just be present.  Let all past experiences mingle quietly in the reservoir of our minds and as for the year ahead rather than making a list of resolutions, why not aspire, reach and be the best human being we can be.

Happy Life to all.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

C h r i s t m a s

With Christmas just around the corner, I thought it only fitting to reflect on this special day. Christmas is the most widely celebrated day in the world.  Christians of many cultures mark this day as the birth of Jesus Christ to honour his life and the extraordinary things he did.  It is a most blessed celebration (as well as Easter) to Christians like Diwali is to Hindus & Sikhs, Hannukah to the Jewish people, Ramadan to Islamic people, Vesak to the Buddhists, and many other religious holidays. The point is that Christmas is what it is; not a 'holiday' or 'season.'  Aside from the most obvious (Jesus' birthday) it is also a day to reflect (which we should do all year long) on the message that was delivered.  The message of hope, peace, kindness and love.  So when someone says Merry Christmas, it is not meant as 'Merry the birth of Christ and you better believe what I believe,' it is 'Merry peace, joy, love, happiness.'  Not such a bad message eh?  Personally, if someone came to me and said Happy Hannukah, Happy Ramadan, Happy Vesak or Happy Diwali, I would smile and be grateful that someone wants to wish me all the great things in this world.  No doubt we are now a global community and we must be aware more today then ever to respect all our differences, beliefs and ways of life.  What we shouldn't do is take away what is a universal message, just stated in unique ways.  On another note, all the frills that come with these special days (trees, decorations, abundance of food & treats, presents and traditions) although excessive at times are just symbols of those celebrations.  Yes commercialism has managed to saddle everyone with guilt that they 'have' to do all these things, but then again, we have the ability to choose and make the day what it is to each of us.  If it works, great, if it doesn't change it.

So the next time someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, embrace the gifts they just gave you, then if you like, pass it on.  Everything starts with ONE...person, word, hug, smile, idea.  Maybe, just maybe, if there is enough ONE's we will change the world to be a more peaceful, loving and sharing place.

God Bless and Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if we were handed user manuals. You know, to 'foolproof' things in our lives. I've come to realize that most follow a set of rules that separate us from the animal kingdom, but essentially we really are winging it.  We look to the wisdom of those that preceded us to navigate through situations and make choices. Yet what worked for them doesn't necessarily work for us. The cog in the wheel is that humans are a very precarious bunch which adds an interesting dimension to what is universally known as good and bad.  Things don't fit neatly in a box because there is always something that creates a very unique situation.  Yes, the core qualities of humanity resonates in everyone; some though are muted while others are amplified.

Which brings me to the point of karma. Otherwise known as the universal law of cause and effect ... every thought, word or act carries out an energy that will affect our reality; good or bad. Not something to take lightly eh? I'm going to come at this one from a different angle.  I would like to refer you to the show My Name is Earl. A creative and comical look at a person (Earl) who has made poor choices and mistakes in his life then hits the proverbial rock bottom. It is then that he learns of karma and comes to the realization that his life may end tragically unless he rights all the wrongs from his past. So, he makes a list and sets out to turn his life around. Funny thing is the list takes on a life of its own. As he embarks on this journey he thinks he can deviate and make up his own rules, but quickly realizes that such is not the case.  It's bigger than him and doesn't give him room for negotiation. Now I know it's just a show, but boy does it make you sit up and pay attention. Clearly the list, going out and making amends is a demonstrative way of telling us that we are all collectively the sum of a much bigger whole and we have the power to make changes. We will make mistakes and bad choices which ultimately hurt people and alter our journey. What is, in my opinion, most important, is that we need to be humbled by these experiences.  Learn from the lessons, quietly. Make changes and continue to grow and be the best human beings we can be.

Cause and effect, that's what makes the world go round.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.  
(Unknown Author)

Friday, December 9, 2011


Can you think of a happy thought? Got a happy place? Just saying the word HAPPY makes me smile. When was the last time you laughed?  I mean really laughed...tears rolling down your cheeks, stomach clenched, falling to the floor gasping for breath.  Or when you get the giggles and it just doesn't matter what you do those happy thoughts take over and you can't stop giggling. Imagine if you had those bursts of laughter or giggling episodes at least once a day how great would that be? After all, 'they' say laughter is good for the soul and the best medicine. Who are 'they' anyway? 'They' are the people who have the answers to happiness. So they think. The testament of those answers are out there in books, CD's, songs, seminars and courses all helping us to find 'happiness.' Shame it isn't something that is innate. Wait a minute, it is innate. Babies show us everyday.  They laugh and smile without inhibition. Watch how their eyes light up and their laughter spills effortlessly, so contagious. Do they know something we don't or just forgot?

Peter Pan figured it out.

Reminds me of the movie Hook. A great story of Peter Pan all grown up and going back to Neverland to face his nemesis Captain Hook; so he thought; only to rediscover happy ... and life. The story is fun, insightful and it really makes a grown up think.

Laughter is not meant to be examined. Its just meant to be and it should be done over and over and over.  Happy should also be the same; sadly it is more complicated than that.  Too many influences and interferences telling us what is the ideal happy. So what do we do? I say think of that happy thought, go to that happy place and as Leo Tolstoy said, 'if you want to be happy, be.'

Don't think much more needs to be said, except...

Laughter is timeless...Imagination has no age...and dreams are forever.
Live today, await tomorrow, remember yesterday...everything happens for a is too short.
When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about. And that was the beginning of fairies.

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." Dalai Lama